District Missions

Iowa District East of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is pleased to directly support many missions here in the eastern part of Iowa. These missions proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people from many nations and to those in difficult circumstances. Please take an opportunity to read through this page and learn more about these missions right here in Eastern Iowa.


Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca

We are blessed to have Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca sitting in the middle of our District. This is a solid Lutheran Camp which has excellent leadership and a committed Camp
Board. They promote and provide Christ-centered education, recreation and inspiration for individuals and group s of all ages within Iowa District East.


Campus Ministries

College Hill Lutheran Church

College Hill Lutheran is a congregation that serves the students attending UNI. In addition to Sunday Divine Service they provide the opportunity to pray Matins daily Monday through Friday and have Vespers each Wednesday. Each spring break they send students on an annual mercy trip.


St. Paul’s Lutheran Chapel, Iowa City (U of I)

On Sunday students and small permanent congregation gather around Word and Sacraments at St. Paul’s Chapel on the Campus of the University of Iowa. Bible class begins at 9:15 with Divine Service at 10:30. Each Wednesday there is an evening service and Bible Study.


Deaf Ministry

Word of God Lutheran Church for the Deaf has been serving the deaf in Iowa District East for more than 45 years. Based in Cedar Rapids, there are also satellite
stations in Davenport, Waterloo, Dubuque, Muscatine, Charles City and Burlington. A couple locations meet weekly for worship, while the rest meet monthly.


Hospital Chaplaincy

The University of Iowa Hospital Chaplaincy is a service offered by IDE for pastors who are not able to travel to visit their parishioners at the University of Iowa Hospitals. LCMS members from across the country are visited by Rev. Michael Musick, Chaplain.


St. Silas Lutheran Church

St. Silas is a congregation that was planted in North Liberty in 2013. They meet for Divine Service and Sunday school each week. They currently meet in a storefront location on Circle Drive in Cherry Park Square. The congregation has now grown to nearly forty members.


New Hope Lutheran Church

New Hope Lutheran Church is a congregation in Charles City, IA. New Hope began as a mission congregation in 2010. Divine Service and community outreach are taking place on a regular basis.

Iowa District East Budget




International Missions – 0.8%

National Missions – 10.8%

District Missions – 39.4%

Scholarships – 4.2%


Ecclesiastical Administration

Office of the President

Vice Presidents

Circuit Visitors

Boards & Committees


District Office Administration & Services