Confirmation Retreat

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The Confirmation Retreat is for current confirmands and is ideal for youth in grades 6-8. Youth must be a part of a group with a chaperone.

Tentative Schedule



7:00 PM                    Arrive/Settle In/Register
8:00 PM                    Opening Devotion & Meal Prayer (Fireside)
8:15 PM                     Pizza (Dining Hall)
Games (Activity Room)
9:15 PM                     Session 1 (Fireside)
10:00 PM                 Activities
11:00 PM                  Evening Devotion (Fireside Room)
Free Time
Lights Out



8:00 AM                    Breakfast and Table Talk (Dining Room)
8:45 AM                    Morning Devotion (Fireside)
9:00 AM                    Session 2 (Fireside)
9:45 AM                    Outdoor Activity
10:45 AM                  Session 3 (Fireside)
11:30 AM                  Free Time
12:00 PM                  Lunch and Cleanup (Dining Room)
1:00 PM                    Activity
2:00PM                    Review Session and Closing Devotion
2:45 PM                    Depart

The 2024 Confirmation Retreat is schedule for October 11-12 at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca with Pastor Caleb Schewe from St. John Lutheran Church in Monticello presenting on The Lord’s Prayer.

“Lord, don’t teach us to pray as John taught his disciples. Rather, teach us to pray like You.” You’re not disciples of John the Baptist, you’re sons and daughters of your Father in heaven. As such a son; as such a daughter; as an heir by grace precisely because the Son of God died for you and has made you of the blood of the kingdom, you pray. You pray like Jesus. At this retreat, we’ll engage the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer and their meanings. We’ll layer the Lord’s Prayer over several parables, particularly the parable of the Prodigal Son, and by doing this we’ll see the Lord’s Prayer lived out in the Christian life. And we’ll enjoy praying with great boldness, as dear children ask their dear Father. Come and listen. Come and see. It’ll be good.